
You want to be heard. You are sick of being interrupted, spoken over and ignored. You want to feel confident every time you speak up. You want your talents to be recognized. You want to know how to communicate with ease, no matter what the situation. You have big ideas that need to be spread. You have had it with a career that is going nowhere and are ready to step into a life that lights you up, all day, every day.

I am Cecilia Poullain. I am a coach and speaker based in Paris and I am ready to help you achieve all that … and more.

For much of my career, I worked as a lawyer in the finance industry. I was good at my job but never seemed to make it to the next level. Perhaps you can relate? 

I was often anxious and worried that people would find out that I had made a mistake. 
If I wasn’t 100% sure my work was perfect, I would clam up. 

If you’re like I was, you have a hard time speaking in public and you shy away from opportunities that could advance your career, out of fear of “messing up”.

You may be frustrated, as I was, that your career isn’t progressing. 

I realised that my work wasn’t aligned with the things that gave my life purpose and meaning.

So I started searching for where I could use my natural talents to make a greater contribution.

You deserve to feel more confident with who you are, and for your professional life to reflect your true talents.

Gestalt therapy led me to understand that my true talents were creative. I began to write and found that I was able to combine my imagination with my legal training.

Do you have creative talents that are dormant or stagnant?

By joining a Gestalt group, I learnt to appreciate and use my creativity. My work became more fulfilling. I learnt a lot about myself as well as essential skills that fundamentally changed my confidence in myself. 

My experiences during that part of my development are now a big part of the work I offer my clients.

In our work together, I will help you learn:

  • how to have unshakeable confidence,

  • how important it is for you to play in order to learn, and

  • how to cultivate your natural leadership skills 

    How would it be if you had no fear of standing up in public?

In 2019, after close to 15 years of singing lessons with Anne Epstein (and 15 years before that with other teachers), I wrote and acted in a one-woman show, “The Smallest of Moments”. (Anne is a marvellous teacher, who herself learns from Ronald Klecamp, one of the best in Europe).

Because I had learnt how to bring all my creativity to play and to show my vulnerability, I was able to connect with an audience of over a hundred people on a very personal level.

In addition, I had far greater confidence in my abilities and was more outgoing.  I discovered that now I knew what I was doing, I loved being in the limelight.

Where will your newfound confidence take you?