Women & Meetings
Welcome, dear reader, to my brand new blog.
This blog is going to be all about women and meetings.
Why, you might ask?
It’s because a huge percentage of my clients say that when they talk in meetings, they are not being heard. Which is why I work more and with women who want to be heard, specifically in business meetings.
Let me be clear. This is in no way their fault and they do not need fixing.
But, in the world we live in, women just aren't listened to as much as men (check out "The Authority Gap" by Mary Ann Sieghart, "Invisible Women" by Caroline Criado Perez and "Women & Leadership" by Julia Gillard and Ngozi Okonjo-Iweala if you aren't convinced).
Which means women have to work that little bit harder.
Also, business meetings are where talent is showcased. As Dr Tomas Chamorro-Premuzic says in "Why do so many incompetent men become leaders", confidence still trumps competence when decisions are being made about career progression and remuneration. Many women sit in meetings with something to say, but don't dare. So they miss out.
The third reason is that business meetings are a brilliant place to practise so many transferable skills.
And finally, I believe so strongly that we need a ton more women in positions of leadership, and this is a powerful way to get them there.
I look forward to growing, learning and sharing with you in my work in making sure that women are heard.