Deep Dive Day is for you if you’re a woman lawyer and you’re asking yourself one, big question.  


  • As a result of a restructuring, you’ve lost your team.  You’re shocked at how callous your employer can be, after all these years, and it’s really knocked your confidence.

  • You’re wondering about whether the law is the right place for you at all.

  • You’re ready to go for partnership - but you’re not sure how to maximise your chances.

Here’s how it works:

  • You complete an on-boarding form so that you get all the support you need in our time together. 

  • We spend a day together in person in a luxury hotel in Paris or online.

  • You walk away with a road-map for the following six to twelve months.

  • You will benefit from an additional 30-days of support on WhatsApp. 

Just €3000 incl. VAT   

If you’re uncertain whether your challenge is a “One Hour One Issue” or a Deep Dive Day, contact me and we can chat.